Secretário de Agricultura pede mais recursos para Plano Safra 2022-2023

Agriculture Secretary asks for more resources for the 2022/2023 Crop Plan

The Secretary of Agriculture and Supply of São Paulo, Francisco Matturro, took advantage of his speaking position at the inauguration ceremony of the new directors of Abimaq and Sindimaq to ask the director of BNDES, Bruno Laskowisky, to increase the volume of resources for the Safra Plan 2022/2023.

“Bruno, let's increase this value there. It is very little”, said the secretary, who represented the governor of São Paulo, Rodrigo Garcia (PSDB) at the event.

Agriculture Secretary Francisco Matturro spoke shortly after the director of BNDES have informed that the bank would allocate something close to R$25 billion to the Safra Plan and that, in just one week, it had already released R$8 billion.

The secretary from São Paulo voiced the complaints of spectators of the inauguration of the board of Abimaq that, if in just one week R$ 8 billion had already been released, the total volume of R$ 25 billion is very little.


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