Reservatórios de usinas hidrelétricas tem plano de recuperação aprovado pelo Governo

Reservoirs of hydroelectric plants have a recovery plan approved by the Government

The government approved this Wednesday the resolution of the National Energy Policy Council for a plan for the recovery of hydroelectric power plant reservoirs.

The elaboration of the plan complies with a determination of the law that allowed the privatization of Eletrobras and was coordinated by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, with the participation of the Ministry of Regional Development, the Energy Research Company and the National Electric System Operator.

The plan is structured around short-term and long-term actions, and on four major fronts: physical aspects of the reservoirs, dynamics of reservoir operation, planning for the operation and expansion of the National Interconnected System and mathematical modeling.

“In the end, the initiatives are expected to contribute, over ten years, to the gradual recovery of storage levels in the reservoirs of Brazilian hydroelectric plants,” the Ministry of Mines and Energy said in a note.

The actions will follow a multisectoral assessment that privileges both the national energy supply and the preservation of multiple uses of water, added the ministry.

The recovery plan for hydroelectric power plant reservoirs will involve global monitoring targets and indicators, which will still be established and put up for public consultation.


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