Imea mantém projeção de safra recorde para soja em Mato Grosso

Imea maintains record crop forecast for 22/23 soybeans in Mato Grosso

The Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics maintained its forecast for the 2022/23 soybean crop in the state at a record 41.5 million tons, according to a report released this Monday.

The expectation for the area, which will be planted from September, was 11.81 million hectares, an increase of 2.92% compared to the previous season.

"Optimism and greater investment in planted area for the next crop remain firm so far according to the reports of informants, due to the persistence of high levels of oilseed prices and heated demand", said the institute linked to producers.

Yield projections for the soybean crop are still considered limited due to factors such as weather, pests and diseases, and uncertainty about investments in technology.

However, based on forecasts by the North American institute NOAA, Imea pointed out that some municipalities in Mato Grosso will be able to count on above-average rainfall in the month of September, with intensification for the entire state in October, which would contribute to the start of the soybean crop.

If the preliminary productivity estimate of 58.58 bags per hectare is confirmed, the harvest above 41 million tons will also represent an increase of 1.62% year-on-year in the soybean crop.

For corn in the current cycle, which is being harvested, Imea left the projection of 39.16 million tons stable, the historical maximum for the cereal from Mato Grosso.

Imea also highlighted that it will reassess the areas of corn in July, when most of the crop will be harvested, to better define the season's yields, especially in crops affected by the water shortage in April and May.


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