Preços de alimentos no mundo têm nova queda em julho, diz FAO

World food prices fall again in July, says FAO

The United Nations agency's world food price index fell again in July, moving further away from the records set in March.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations food price index, which tracks the most traded food commodities globally, averaged 140.9 points last month, down from 154.3 in June.

The June number had previously been calculated at 154.2.

The July index is still 13.1% higher than a year ago, driven by the impact of the Ukrainian invasion, adverse weather and high production and transport costs.

“The decline in food commodity prices from very high levels is welcome, however many uncertainties remain,” said FAO Chief Economist Maximo Torero.

A bleak global economic outlook, currency volatility and high fertilizer prices, which could affect future production and farmers' livelihoods, pose serious pressures on global food security, he said.

The price indices for vegetable oils, sugar, dairy products, meats and cereals all fell in July.

The wheat fell 14.5%, in part due to an agreement reached to unblock grain exports from Black Sea ports.

The price index of corn fell 10.7% in July, also reflecting the Russia-Ukraine deal, as well as increased seasonal availability from major producers Argentina and Brazil, FAO said.


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