fusion Export

Focused on consulting for the export and import of Commodities Strengthening and consolidating our partnerships between Brazil and several countries around the world.

Who we are

A Fusion Export é um grupo com sede no Brasil, focada na consultoria de exportação e importação de Commodities do mercado Brasileiro para o mundo.

The market evolved and so did Fusion, with a main focus on attracting business and resources for investments in the most promising segments of the economy. Our values and principles are present and guided in all stages of our work, where integrity, honesty and ethics are always combined with a high standard of quality and innovation. The result is objectivity and transparency that ultimately bring the satisfaction of our customers.

export safely


We have a qualified and experienced team that works all over the world, acting as an intermediary and facilitator for companies that want to safely import and export their commodities. We have created a strong structure with qualified professionals to establish commercial partnerships and carry out foreign trade operations. In addition, we operate in the distribution and representation of products in the domestic market.

Contact us and find out more about our solutions and lines of action.

Most exported products by Brazil

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Iron ore
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container operation in port series


One of our goals is to take Brazilian commodities to the most diverse markets in the world. With the knowledge of our specialized team, we are able to meet the needs of our customers, always aiming for efficiency and competitiveness in our export processes, to guarantee a safe operation.

Aerial view of cargo ship and cargo container in harbor.


We are specialized in cargo coming to Brazil. With teams in Brazil, we are able to offer fully customized services to our customers, always aiming for a safe operation.

Truck vehicle with trailers in background.


Meeting the specific demands of the Brazilian market, we work with the commercialization and distribution of commodities. Always aiming at cost reduction and competitiveness in the domestic market.

Handshake Business Men Concept


Our team of specialized consultants enables conversations with international companies and commercial representation of major brands in the national and international market. Our focus is to be a facilitator of negotiations, always seeking the best agreement between the parties.

Fusion News

Cotton crop should have record crop in 2022, experts point out

A expectativa da safra de algodão deste ano em Rondônia é a melhor da história. Ultrapassando os 10 mil hectares, a produtividade deve ser o dobro de...

Soybeans post biggest weekly gain in 22 years in US with Midwest heat

A soja tem maior ganho semanal em 22 anos nas negociações em Chicago, diante de previsões de clima quente e seco no Meio-Oeste dos EUA que aumentaram...

Corn harvest 2nd harvest exceeds 70% of the area in Brazil, says Pátria AgroNegócios

A colheita de milho 2ª safra 2021/22 alcançou 71,2% da área no Brasil, ante 63,4% na semana anterior, com alguns Estados na reta final dos trabalhos...

Soybean meal exports to China bring a positive outlook for the industry, says Abiove

A abertura do mercado chinês para a exportação de farelo de soja do Brasil, ainda que os embarques não estejam ocorrendo, traz perspectiva positiva...

Grupo Lavoro adquire Provecampo, distribuidora de insumos agrícolas na Colômbia

O Grupo Lavoro, maior distribuidora de insumos agrícolas da América Latina, anunciou nesta sexta-feira 29, a aquisição da colombiana Provecampo, que...

Jerome Powell signals moderation in interest rate hikes and Dollar drops 1.84% at R$5.2509

Sinais do presidente do Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, de que o ciclo de alta de juros nos Estados Unidos talvez não vá muito longe deflagraram um...

IGP-M slows down in July with a drop in commodities and ICMS cut effect, says FGV

O IGP-M registrou alta de 0,21% em julho, depois de ter subido 0,59% no mês anterior, informou a Fundação Getulio Vargas nesta quinta-feira...

Wheat prices jump to record highs in India, limiting government deals

Os preços do trigo indiano saltaram para um recorde, apesar da proibição das exportações, em meio à forte demanda e à diminuição da oferta de uma...

Mineral production drops 9% in the first half due to lower demand from China

O Instituto Brasileiro de Mineração informou nesta quarta-feira, 27, que a produção mineral do País caiu 9% no 1º semestre deste ano na comparação com...

fusion Export

Focused on consulting for the export and import of Commodities Strengthening and consolidating our partnerships between Brazil and several countries around the world.

Who we are

A Fusion Export é um grupo com sede no Brasil, focada na consultoria de exportação e importação de Commodities do mercado Brasileiro para o mundo.

The market evolved and so did Fusion, with a main focus on attracting business and resources for investments in the most promising segments of the economy. Our values and principles are present and guided in all stages of our work, where integrity, honesty and ethics are always combined with a high standard of quality and innovation. The result is objectivity and transparency that ultimately bring the satisfaction of our customers.

export safely


We have a qualified and experienced team that works all over the world, acting as an intermediary and facilitator for companies that want to safely import and export their commodities. We have created a strong structure with qualified professionals to establish commercial partnerships and carry out foreign trade operations. In addition, we operate in the distribution and representation of products in the domestic market.

Contact us and find out more about our solutions and lines of action.

Most exported products by Brazil

0 %
Iron ore
0 %
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container operation in port series


One of our goals is to take Brazilian commodities to the most diverse markets in the world. With the knowledge of our specialized team, we are able to meet the needs of our customers, always aiming for efficiency and competitiveness in our export processes, to guarantee a safe operation.

Aerial view of cargo ship and cargo container in harbor.


We are specialized in cargo coming to Brazil. With teams in Brazil, we are able to offer fully customized services to our customers, always aiming for a safe operation.

Truck vehicle with trailers in background.


Meeting the specific demands of the Brazilian market, we work with the commercialization and distribution of commodities. Always aiming at cost reduction and competitiveness in the domestic market.

Handshake Business Men Concept


Our team of specialized consultants enables conversations with international companies and commercial representation of major brands in the national and international market. Our focus is to be a facilitator of negotiations, always seeking the best agreement between the parties.

Fusion News

Cotton crop should have record crop in 2022, experts point out

A expectativa da safra de algodão deste ano em Rondônia é a melhor da história. Ultrapassando os 10 mil hectares, a produtividade deve ser o dobro de...

Soybeans post biggest weekly gain in 22 years in US with Midwest heat

A soja tem maior ganho semanal em 22 anos nas negociações em Chicago, diante de previsões de clima quente e seco no Meio-Oeste dos EUA que aumentaram...

Corn harvest 2nd harvest exceeds 70% of the area in Brazil, says Pátria AgroNegócios

A colheita de milho 2ª safra 2021/22 alcançou 71,2% da área no Brasil, ante 63,4% na semana anterior, com alguns Estados na reta final dos trabalhos...

Soybean meal exports to China bring a positive outlook for the industry, says Abiove

A abertura do mercado chinês para a exportação de farelo de soja do Brasil, ainda que os embarques não estejam ocorrendo, traz perspectiva positiva...

Grupo Lavoro adquire Provecampo, distribuidora de insumos agrícolas na Colômbia

O Grupo Lavoro, maior distribuidora de insumos agrícolas da América Latina, anunciou nesta sexta-feira 29, a aquisição da colombiana Provecampo, que...

Jerome Powell signals moderation in interest rate hikes and Dollar drops 1.84% at R$5.2509

Sinais do presidente do Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, de que o ciclo de alta de juros nos Estados Unidos talvez não vá muito longe deflagraram um...

IGP-M slows down in July with a drop in commodities and ICMS cut effect, says FGV

O IGP-M registrou alta de 0,21% em julho, depois de ter subido 0,59% no mês anterior, informou a Fundação Getulio Vargas nesta quinta-feira...

Wheat prices jump to record highs in India, limiting government deals

Os preços do trigo indiano saltaram para um recorde, apesar da proibição das exportações, em meio à forte demanda e à diminuição da oferta de uma...

Mineral production drops 9% in the first half due to lower demand from China

O Instituto Brasileiro de Mineração informou nesta quarta-feira, 27, que a produção mineral do País caiu 9% no 1º semestre deste ano na comparação com...