fusion Export

Focused on consulting for the export and import of Commodities Strengthening and consolidating our partnerships between Brazil and several countries around the world.

Who we are

Play Video about Fusion Commodities

A Fusion Export é um grupo com sede no Brasil, focada na consultoria de exportação e importação de Commodities do mercado Brasileiro para o mundo.

The market evolved and so did Fusion, with a main focus on attracting business and resources for investments in the most promising segments of the economy. Our values and principles are present and guided in all stages of our work, where integrity, honesty and ethics are always combined with a high standard of quality and innovation. The result is objectivity and transparency that ultimately bring the satisfaction of our customers.

export safely


We have a qualified and experienced team that works all over the world, acting as an intermediary and facilitator for companies that want to safely import and export their commodities. We have created a strong structure with qualified professionals to establish commercial partnerships and carry out foreign trade operations. In addition, we operate in the distribution and representation of products in the domestic market.

Contact us and find out more about our solutions and lines of action.

Most exported products by Brazil

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Iron ore
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container operation in port series


One of our goals is to take Brazilian commodities to the most diverse markets in the world. With the knowledge of our specialized team, we are able to meet the needs of our customers, always aiming for efficiency and competitiveness in our export processes, to guarantee a safe operation.

Aerial view of cargo ship and cargo container in harbor.


We are specialized in cargo coming to Brazil. With teams in Brazil, we are able to offer fully customized services to our customers, always aiming for a safe operation.

Truck vehicle with trailers in background.


Meeting the specific demands of the Brazilian market, we work with the commercialization and distribution of commodities. Always aiming at cost reduction and competitiveness in the domestic market.

Handshake Business Men Concept


Our team of specialized consultants enables conversations with international companies and commercial representation of major brands in the national and international market. Our focus is to be a facilitator of negotiations, always seeking the best agreement between the parties.

Fusion News

Sustainable hydrogen is an option to decarbonize industrial chains, says CNI

Dos 990 projetos de hidrogênio sustentável mapeados no mundo desde o ano 2000, apenas quatro estão no Brasil, conforme a Confederação Nacional da...

Weather forecasts warn of frost in Brazil and indicate risks to wheat in the South

As previsões climáticas para essa semana não são nada animadoras para as colheitas no sul do país, onde uma frente fria está gerando chuvas e deve...

China's fuel exports will rise in August, but 2022 shipments will fall to 7-year lows

As exportações de combustível da China vão se recuperar em agosto para quase o nível mais alto do ano até agora, depois que Pequim emitiu mais cotas...

Brazilian defaulters enter the list for failing to pay food expenses

A fatia de Inadimplentes Brasileiros que engrossou a lista pela falta de pagamento de despesas com comida, entre janeiro e junho, foi a maior em cinco...

Brazilian cotton production expected to grow by up to 19% in the country

A produção de algodão do país deve fechar o ano entre 13% e 19% maior do que a anterior e rumar ao ritmo pré-pandemia. Essa é uma notícia animadora...

China's Yangtze River shrinks in heatwave, drought threatens crops

Regiões que dependem do Rio Yangtze, o rio mais longo da China, estão tendo que usar bombas e foguetes para formação de nuvens, em meio a uma longa...

Dollar closes at R$5.0739 (-1.63%); weekly drop reaches 1.80%

O real teve um novo dia de valorização ante o dólar, principalmente na etapa vespertina dos negócios.Saindo da abertura a R$ 5,1574, chegou à máxima...

Agropalma will resume biodiesel production in Pará in 2023

A Agropalma deu início às obras de reativação da planta industrial no Estado do Pará para retomar a produção de biodiesel a partir de produtos do óleo...

Exploration of nuclear ores is authorized in Brazil with a private initiative partnership

O governo brasileiro publicou nesta sexta-feira Medida Provisória que permite a participação da iniciativa privada na exploração de minérios nucleares...

fusion Export

Focused on consulting for the export and import of Commodities Strengthening and consolidating our partnerships between Brazil and several countries around the world.

Who we are

A Fusion Export é um grupo com sede no Brasil, focada na consultoria de exportação e importação de Commodities do mercado Brasileiro para o mundo.

The market evolved and so did Fusion, with a main focus on attracting business and resources for investments in the most promising segments of the economy. Our values and principles are present and guided in all stages of our work, where integrity, honesty and ethics are always combined with a high standard of quality and innovation. The result is objectivity and transparency that ultimately bring the satisfaction of our customers.

Play Video about Fusion Commodities

export safely


We have a qualified and experienced team that works all over the world, acting as an intermediary and facilitator for companies that want to safely import and export their commodities. We have created a strong structure with qualified professionals to establish commercial partnerships and carry out foreign trade operations. In addition, we operate in the distribution and representation of products in the domestic market.

Contact us and find out more about our solutions and lines of action.

Most exported products by Brazil

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Iron ore
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container operation in port series


One of our goals is to take Brazilian commodities to the most diverse markets in the world. With the knowledge of our specialized team, we are able to meet the needs of our customers, always aiming for efficiency and competitiveness in our export processes, to guarantee a safe operation.

Aerial view of cargo ship and cargo container in harbor.


We are specialized in cargo coming to Brazil. With teams in Brazil, we are able to offer fully customized services to our customers, always aiming for a safe operation.

Truck vehicle with trailers in background.


Meeting the specific demands of the Brazilian market, we work with the commercialization and distribution of commodities. Always aiming at cost reduction and competitiveness in the domestic market.

Handshake Business Men Concept


Our team of specialized consultants enables conversations with international companies and commercial representation of major brands in the national and international market. Our focus is to be a facilitator of negotiations, always seeking the best agreement between the parties.

Fusion News

Sustainable hydrogen is an option to decarbonize industrial chains, says CNI

Dos 990 projetos de hidrogênio sustentável mapeados no mundo desde o ano 2000, apenas quatro estão no Brasil, conforme a Confederação Nacional da...

Weather forecasts warn of frost in Brazil and indicate risks to wheat in the South

As previsões climáticas para essa semana não são nada animadoras para as colheitas no sul do país, onde uma frente fria está gerando chuvas e deve...

China's fuel exports will rise in August, but 2022 shipments will fall to 7-year lows

As exportações de combustível da China vão se recuperar em agosto para quase o nível mais alto do ano até agora, depois que Pequim emitiu mais cotas...

Brazilian defaulters enter the list for failing to pay food expenses

A fatia de Inadimplentes Brasileiros que engrossou a lista pela falta de pagamento de despesas com comida, entre janeiro e junho, foi a maior em cinco...

Brazilian cotton production expected to grow by up to 19% in the country

A produção de algodão do país deve fechar o ano entre 13% e 19% maior do que a anterior e rumar ao ritmo pré-pandemia. Essa é uma notícia animadora...

China's Yangtze River shrinks in heatwave, drought threatens crops

Regiões que dependem do Rio Yangtze, o rio mais longo da China, estão tendo que usar bombas e foguetes para formação de nuvens, em meio a uma longa...

Dollar closes at R$5.0739 (-1.63%); weekly drop reaches 1.80%

O real teve um novo dia de valorização ante o dólar, principalmente na etapa vespertina dos negócios.Saindo da abertura a R$ 5,1574, chegou à máxima...

Agropalma will resume biodiesel production in Pará in 2023

A Agropalma deu início às obras de reativação da planta industrial no Estado do Pará para retomar a produção de biodiesel a partir de produtos do óleo...

Exploration of nuclear ores is authorized in Brazil with a private initiative partnership

O governo brasileiro publicou nesta sexta-feira Medida Provisória que permite a participação da iniciativa privada na exploração de minérios nucleares...