Jair Bolsonaro diz que Petrobras não precisa mudar política de preço dos combustíveis

Jair Bolsonaro says Petrobras does not need to change fuel price policy

President and candidate for re-election Jair Bolsonaro said this Monday that a change in the price policy of the company is not necessary. Petrobras to combat the rise in fuel prices.

Jair Bolsonaro argued, in an interview with the channel Flow Podcast, on YouTube, which has little scope to interfere in the state-owned company, but recalled that he changed both the company's command and the Ministry of Mines and Energy to get prices down.

“Now, there is no need to change the PPI”, said the president, when commenting on his initiatives to lower fuel prices.

Bolsonaro he also took the opportunity to praise the performance of Caio Mário Paes de Andrade in the presidency of Petrobras, the fourth occupant of the position since the beginning of the government.

“We put in Caio, who was from Paulo Guedes' economic team. We talked to him: ‘Caio studies PPI, see when PPI was born’. It was born when the price of oil was down”, explained the president, adding that the policy served to contain the state-owned company's indebtedness.

“It stopped (the debt)… the PPI is not the immediate readjustment. So you can see, Caio's work, he looked for a legal way that lowered gasoline at the refinery by 35 cents a liter and diesel by 20 cents. It's too little? I know it's not much, but the trend was an upward curve. So Caio's work, with responsibility, got to this”, defended the President.

The pricing policy adopted by Petrobras takes into account the principle of international parity, which includes costs such as ship freight, internal transport costs and port fees.

The formation of fuel prices also considers a margin for remuneration of risks inherent to the operation, such as exchange rate and price volatility, demurrages at ports and profit, in addition to taxes.

In the interview, the president also mentioned the federal government's tax reductions on fuel, and said that the maintenance of tax exemptions is already agreed with the economic area.

“It is already agreed with the economic team, we will maintain the tax discount next year”, said the President, without detailing which taxes would be covered by the exemption.

Sources: investing.com

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