Hidrogênio sustentável é opção para descarbonizar cadeias industriais, diz CNI

Sustainable hydrogen is an option to decarbonize industrial chains, says CNI

Of the 990 sustainable hydrogen projects mapped around the world since 2000, only four are on the Brazil, according to the National Confederation of Industry, which this week launches the study Sustainable Hydrogen, Prospects and Potential for Brazilian Industry.

The entity highlights the opportunities to consolidate two hydrogen production technologies in the industrial sector, “green hydrogen”, from renewable energy sources without emission of gases, such as wind and solar generation, and “blue hydrogen”, the from the exploitation of natural gas with carbon capture and storage.

The 142-page document points out that the refining and fertilizer segments have the potential for immediate use of sustainable hydrogen as a decarbonization strategy.

In addition, the steel, metallurgy, ceramics, glass and cement segments have great potential for adoption in the short and medium terms, between three and five years.

The president of CNI, Robson Braga de Andrade, believes that Brazil has all the conditions to be a protagonist in the process of decarbonization of the economy in the world through clean technologies such as green hydrogen.

“The consolidation of Brazil as a hydrogen producer has the potential to generate jobs, attract new technologies and investments and develop business models, as well as insert the country in a relevant position in the global value chain, which can positively alter the country's trade balance. country”, he adds.

For this, the CNI demands structuring measures aimed at the development of sustainable hydrogen, such as promoting the production of equipment for this purpose, encouraging financing to decarbonize competitive sectors, creating an infrastructure for the transport and storage of hydrogen, and training of people to work in this chain.

The CNI study, which also proposes the creation of the Industry Observatory for Sustainable Hydrogen, will be launched at the event “Industry Strategies for a Low Carbon Economy”, which takes place today and tomorrow at Palácio Tangará, in São Paulo capital.

Source: Jornal O Estado de São Paulo

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