Exportação de farelo de soja à China traz perspectiva positiva para indústria, diz Abiove

Soybean meal exports to China bring a positive outlook for the industry, says Abiove

The opening of the Chinese market for the export of soybean meal from Brazil, even though shipments are not taking place, brings a positive outlook for the Brazilian crushing industry and represents diversification in international trade, said this Friday the sector association Abiove.

The entity evaluated the opening for the exportation of soybean meal, confirmed by the federal government the day before, as a “great achievement”, the result of joint work with the Ministry of Agriculture which has been carried out for at least four years.

“The entity considers that, from now on, it will be necessary to understand the procedures so that (if) the qualification of its production plants is carried out to meet possible future demands for bran”, said in a note the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries ( Abiove).

From the point of view of diversification, the entity recalled that Brazil already exports soybeans in grain and oil, and now has the prospect of also selling soy bran and concentrated soy protein, with China as the complex's main customer.

“It is worth noting that this market opening brings a positive expectation for the Brazilian industry to crush more soybeans with an increase in the supply of vegetable oil for the production of biodiesel”, he said.

In this sense, the entity considers that the conditions for the implementation of B15 in March 2023 have been strengthened and the country will be able to resume the schedule established by CNPE Resolution No. 16/2018.

Sources: investing.com

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