Copa do mundo vê a Inflação disparar e pode comprometer o churrasco nos dias dos jogos

World Cup sees Inflation soar and may compromise barbecue on game days

The typical barbecue with beer on the days of the Brazilian team's World Cup matches will weigh more on the fans' pockets at this year's edition of the World Cup, which will be held in Qatar.

A survey carried out by XP shows that the items most consumed by Brazilians during the World Cup recorded increases of up to 100% since the previous edition, four years ago.

Beer, meat and televisions, which are in high demand due to competition, have registered double-digit inflation since 2018.

The biggest price increase was observed in the sticker packs of the Copa album, with a 100% increase.

But if the idea is to have a barbecue to accompany the game, the Brazilian will pay an average of 80% more to buy meat, beer, soda and water.

The price of red meat increased by 79.1% compared to the 2018 World Cup. Complementary items such as soda and water rose 23.7%, and beer rose 20.2%, below inflation, which in the period was 26.8%.

The rise in meat is associated with greater global demand, higher grains and fall of pasture area with the water crisis of 2020/21.

Beer and soft drinks, in parallel, had a relevant rise in costs, especially packaging, quoted in dollars, according to a study by XP.

And for those who are thinking of buying a new TV to watch the games, they will have to pay 17% more than in 2018.

“Curious is that this is the only item to record consistent price drops since 2006, due to productivity gains and rapid change in technology. With the effects of the pandemic, however, the increase in demand and the sector severely impacted by the disruption of the global supply chain, prices began to rise”, explains XP.

Those who prefer to follow the games away from home, in a bar, for example, will spend about 15% more to buy beer and 20% for water and soda.

Inflation is slightly lower compared to shopping at the supermarket, but it is worth remembering that, on average, consuming outside the home is 15% more expensive.

That new shirt from the canarinho team to celebrate the hexa is costing 40% more than 4 years ago. In this regard, explains XP, it is important to remember that the clothing sector has been hitting record highs in the last 12 months, being the highest since 1995, in the midst of the Real Plan, reaching 16.66% in July.

Two factors explain the high, maladjustments in the chains that supply raw material to the sector, forcing the pass-through of the increase in costs to consumers and the increase and exchange rate volatility play a part in this, given that the product is tabulated, having the same dollar value for the whole world.

If, in addition to celebrating, you want to participate in the tradition of exchanging stickers with friends in search of completing the album, prices can scare you, the traditional version of the official album rose 16.5%, while the pack with five stickers doubled in price, variation also observed in relation to the last World Cup.


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