Contrato Futuros do Café Arábica cai 1,6% por libra-peso

Arabica coffee drops 1.6% per pound in futures contracts

The contract futures Arabica coffee fell $3.6 cents, or 1.6%, to $2.2105 a lb.

Traders say the real's renewed weakness is a factor behind the market's slump, along with the selling of funds as investors seek safe assets due to a possible global resection looming.

The Brazilian currency has fallen to the lowest value against the dollar since late January, likely boosting coffee sales by the country's coffee growers.

Robusta coffee futures dropped $38, or 1.9%, to $1,961 a ton.

Coffee is a commodity consumed worldwide, Brazil is one of the largest producers and exporters of coffee and has great relevance in the national and international market, especially for the Arabica bean.

The contract was developed with the objective of being a tool for the management of the risk of price fluctuation, being used by market participants, such as the producer, the industry, tradings, among others.

In addition, this contract can be settled financially before maturity or at maturity, through physical delivery of the goods to warehouses registered with B3.

In the case of delivery in a location other than the Municipality of São Paulo, the freight cost will be deducted to calculate the settlement value.

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