Colheita de milho atinge 94% das áreas em MT, diz Imea; Pátria vê 63,4% para Brasil

Corn harvest reaches 94% of areas in MT, says Imea; Homeland sees 63.4% for Brazil

The second crop of corn 2021/22 reached 94.06% of the areas in Mato Grosso, the largest cereal producing state, an increase of 8.77 percentage points in the weekly variation, showed data from the Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics this Friday.

In the same period of the previous cycle, works were at 72.8% and the historical average for this time of year is 81.8%, according to the report.

The performance comes in the wake of the fastest planting in history, after the removal of the soya summer of the fields.

The mid-north and northeast regions of the state have the fastest corn harvest, at 98.05% and 97.97%, respectively.

On the other hand, the slower pace is seen in the southeastern region of Mato Grosso, which accounts for 83.04% of the harvested areas.

In an attempt to catch up with the rest of the state, producers in the southeast advanced work by 18.14 points for the week.

For Brazil, the consultancy Pátria AgroNegócios estimated this Friday that the corn harvest reached 63.4% of the area, an advance of 10 percentage points in a week.

Driven by Mato Grosso, the performance is ahead of the 44.3% registered in the same period last year and the 57% in the average of the last five years.

On the other hand, among the main producing states, delays are recorded only in Paraná, where the pace is slower than the historical average.

"Lower prices, limited logistics and storage reduce the impulse to advance the harvest at this time," said the consultancy in a note.


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