Colheita de milho 2ª safra supera 70% da área no Brasil, diz Pátria AgroNegócios

Corn harvest 2nd harvest exceeds 70% of the area in Brazil, says Pátria AgroNegócios

The 2021/22 2nd crop of corn reached 71.2% of the area in Brazil, compared to 63.4% in the previous week, with some states in the final stretch of work, announced this Friday the consultancy Pátria AgroNegócios.

The percentage of 2nd harvest corn harvest is ahead of the 53% recorded in the same period of 2021 and 66.5% of the average of the last five years.

“Mato Grosso, Rondônia and Tocantins are already approaching the conclusion of the field work, with good productivity registered in these locations”, said the consultancy in a note.

A survey by the Mato-Grossense Institute of Agricultural Economics, also released this Friday 29, indicated that the harvest in the largest cereal producing state reached 97.95% of the areas, a weekly advance of 3.9 percentage points.

After carrying out the fastest planting in history, due to the removal of soybeans from the fields in the ideal period, the harvest in Mato Grosso exceeds the 84.19% recorded a year earlier and the historical average of 90.63%, according to the connected institute. to producers.

Of the seven regions measured by the Imea, in five the works have already surpassed 99% of the crops. The most advanced is the Northeast, with 99.94% of harvested areas.

Regarding the other states, Pátria highlighted strong progress in the harvest of Paraná, which exceeds 50% after delays in recent weeks. In the previous analysis, works in Paraná were carried out in 35.5% of the areas.

“Among the states most affected by losses, Goiás stands out, where the state average should not exceed 80 bags per hectare”, added the consultancy.


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