Fusion Export

Diesel verde à base de etanol é apresentado por Grupo brasileiro e vê interesse de investidores

Ethanol-based green diesel is presented by a Brazilian group and sees interest from investors

A new renewable fuel technology, ethanol-based green diesel capable of replacing fossil diesel, was presented this Thursday at the Fenasucro fair, in Sertãozinho, in the interior of São Paulo, and has aroused interest from mills and investors, said an executive. one of the companies involved in the project.

Ethanol-based green diesel is presented by a Brazilian group and sees interest from investors Read More »

Previsões climáticas alertam para geadas no Brasil e indicam riscos ao trigo no Sul

Weather forecasts warn of frost in Brazil and indicate risks to wheat in the South

Weather forecasts for this week are not encouraging for crops in the south of the country, where a cold front is generating rain and should give way to frost between Friday and Saturday, with a risk mainly to areas of wheat growing in development in Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul.

Weather forecasts warn of frost in Brazil and indicate risks to wheat in the South Read More »

Exportações de combustível da China aumentará em agosto, mas embarques em 2022 cairão para mínimos de 7 anos

China's fuel exports will rise in August, but 2022 shipments will fall to 7-year lows

China's fuel exports will rebound in August to nearly the highest level for the year so far after Beijing issued more quotas in June and July, though broader restrictions are expected to limit shipments to seven-year lows for 2022, analysts said. and analysts.

China's fuel exports will rise in August, but 2022 shipments will fall to 7-year lows Read More »
