Agricultores do Brasil colhem quase um terço do milho 2ª safra

Farmers in Brazil harvest almost a third of corn 2nd crop

Farmers in Brazil harvested nearly a third of the 2021/22 second crop corn from south-central fields, with dry weather and higher temperatures that prevailed last week continuing to favor jobs, especially in Mato Grosso.

According to agribusiness consultancy AgRural, farmers have harvested 30.7% of the crop so far, or nearly 25 million tonnes.

“Agriculturists in Brazil harvested a percentage of 30.7% that came within the range of 30.1% to 34.4% projected by AgRural in April for customers. The pace could be faster, but the loss of moisture from the grains remains slow in Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná due to lower temperatures”, said the agribusiness consultancy AgRural.

With the second crop, which is planted after the soya in the same areas, Brazil can compete with suppliers such as the United States in global export markets during the second half of the year. The second crop represents about 75% of production.

Pátria AgroNegócios, another consultancy in the sector, said on Monday that the harvest had reached 34.1% of the area for all of Brazil, compared to 23.9% of a five-year historical average.

The harvest is more advanced compared to last season, as producers faced weather problems in 2020/21.

“Average yields show great variation, but in general they are positive in the center-north of the country, especially in the north of Mato Grosso, Rondônia and Tocantins”, said Pátria AgroNegócios.

The center-south recorded lower-than-expected yields, recorded in Minas Gerais, Paraná and with a negative highlight also for crops in Goiás.

Last week, the Department of Rural Economy (Deral), reduced the crop forecast in Paraná by about 3.5%, due to the attack of pests such as the leafhopper.


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